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clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

I see he's reached 'Gulling the Gullible', chapter 2 of 'Big Con: The Right-Wing American Grifters Playbook'. If Jesus existed, he'd sue this unctuous, mock-spiritual, sham-Dickensian hustler. Would you buy a used cardinal from this man?
in reply to Richard Littler

See ten thousand ministries
See the holy, righteous dogs
They claim to heal, but all they do is steal
Abuse your faith, cheat, and rob
in reply to Richard Littler

Because sexual assault on a non-spouse is a sin, whereas being sexually attacked is not a sin, so if he confesses his sins everything is A-OK. Christians, you couldn't make them up.

The Princedom of Pontecorvo was a short-lived client state of France during the Napoleonic Wars.

Napoleon took it from the Papal State after becoming King of Italy, created it as a princedom and made one of his Imperial Marshals the Prince of Pontecorvo.

The Marshal, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, was soon headhunted by the Swedish establishment to become Karl XIV Johan, the new King of Sweden, and gave up the princedom. His dynasty formally rules Sweden to this day.

Pontecorvo today has a population of ~13000, the same size population as the bunch of towers on top of a shopping mall where I live.

in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

@clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 I've just checked¹ and in 1861 Pontecorvo already had ~9k inhabitants, and since then it didn't have a big growth like other Italian communes, so maybe it was at least already around this “big” in the time of the principate.

Looks like a perfectly reasonable size for a mostly independent entity inside geographical Italy 😁

What? we're not in the 12th century or whereabouts? details 😁

¹… (in Italian, but it's a graph)

in reply to pixelfed

You might want to consider using Webtorrent or IPFS as your CDN since if something goes viral it won't result in overloading the server.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

if you think queer people must be hidden from kids at all costs or it will turn all the kids queer… you’re kinda just admitting that you think being queer is so obviously much better than being straight that the only thing stopping anyone from being queer is not knowing it’s an option
in reply to Luci for wry zings

I guess it makes sense in that extremist Christian mindset where anything enjoyable not explicitly endorsed by their reading of the Bible is of the devil.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

It’s amazing to me that folks have such a hard time with the very basic concept of “follow the money.”

This isn’t rocket science, people. Where/who you get your money from matters. The people who you surround yourself with matters. The success criteria you adopt matters.

This entry was edited (20 hours ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

One of the biggest problems I haven't Mastodon is posts without context.I wish they would just do the quote posts already. It would make conversations easier.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

Random pondering about sustainable software, and operating systems like Project Oberon, Forth, Smalltalk, and the Lisp Machines .. Systems that a single individual can maintain (maybe not write ...)
in reply to screwlisp screwlisp reshared this.

@screwtape Any sustainable system needs to be entirely free software.
in reply to Alfred M. Szmidt screwlisp reshared this.

@screwtape Second critera would be, one single implementation language -- maybe two, a much lower level one.
in reply to Alfred M. Szmidt screwlisp reshared this.

@screwtape It was certainly very pleasant working on Lisp machines that were essentially turtles all the way down (there was a tiny bit of BCPL at the very bottom of the stack, but it was the equivalent of the BIOS). To be able to read, understand and edit anything in your system is just nice.
in reply to Simon Brooke

@simon_brooke @screwtape

Depending on the hardware, there might be some "messy" parts (drivers).
And from a security perspective, the hardware question becomes relevant (since we have e.g. PC mainboards that run a separate operating system in the background).

Especially for driver stuff, there would be a need for at least assembler as a second language.

in reply to Tuxedo Wa-Kamen

@wakame Not if it's an actual Lisp-in-hardware Lisp machine.

I mean, typically Lisp machines do have a bootstrap layer written in another language, but the simplicity of the core of Lisp means that they don't have to. You can implement implement each of the between five and ten primitive functions (depending on implementation) in hardware as single instructions.

in reply to Simon Brooke


I agree.

(I was implicitly taking the perspective "how could we realize this on currently available hardware".)

in reply to Tuxedo Wa-Kamen

@wakame Yes, indeed. But future hardware probably doesn't look an awful lot like modern hardware. I think we're going to need way more parallelism -- and pure functional languages (of course classic Lisp is not pure functional, but pure functional subsets are easy) are excellent for exploiting massively parallel architectures.…

in reply to 𝟙𝔸∋λC

@iacore @screwtape Not every user can write a compiler either ... but every user should be able to look at the driver and had the ability to fix it (or get someone to fix it for them)
in reply to Alfred M. Szmidt

That you *get to write drivers in C* is an odd feature request isn't it. In lispmachine and oberon I guess you're writing drivers for your hardware (possibly intuitively) rather than for an operating system framework in C.
in reply to screwlisp

if i ever want to write a driver, i would probably port the linux one (if it exists) to the target OS kernel @amszmidt
This entry was edited (8 hours ago)
in reply to 𝟙𝔸∋λC

I get where you're coming from, but for example if we look at…
The ways FreeBSD and linux see keyboard interactions as working diverge in the first place.
in reply to screwlisp

@screwtape Thanks for sharing the wonderful blog!

How do I deal with the fact that FreeBSD is slow? I tried FreeBSD a bit, and, the init system is :| . System files are not tracked by pkg.. So I switched to Chimera Linux.


in reply to 𝟙𝔸∋λC

yes @jns is awesome.

As a general thought on slowness, and allowing that we're talking about machine intelligence, what about designing software to run slowly for very long lifetimes autonomously rather than mostly standing still, but sometimes wanting sprint-time responses.


in reply to 𝟙𝔸∋λC

Ah, yeah, at the time I wriggled a bit against the blanket ban on basically the research of LLMs (or w/e I didn't read it recently), recently echoed by Gentoo's blanket ban on "any NLP associated code generation", though I feel that that ended up aging well, didn't it. I will read it again. I'm very predisposed to agree with my community there already though.
@jns @amszmidt
in reply to Alfred M. Szmidt

For your low-level and optimized things:
Blackbox Component Pascal

For scripting with a fast interpreter, which can also compile to optimized machine code:
Open Euphoria

#Pascal #Oberon #Euphoria

screwlisp reshared this.

@Reiddragon @screwtape Common Lisp is both a high and low level language. What I am referring to is more akin to assembler, C is not a suitable language period -- just the compiler is larger than the whole Lisp Machine system including microcode.

The terror balance between
Fear of publically committing to a deadline you might fail to meet
Fear of not finishing anything because you didn't publically commit to a deadline

Leif Lindholm reshared this.

One of kid's classmates had a surprising anti-gay opinion, so he's been asking around a bit where people stand. Thankfully, that kid seems to be the outlier.

Made me remember that time half a life ago when I accidentally "came out" to a friend ... I admitted my interest for a woman with an ambiguous nickname and hilarity ensued.

My friend's response was so overwhelmingly excited and supportive that I promised that if I ever discovered I was gay, I was sure to go to him first with the news. 🥰

sotolf reshared this.

in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

@clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 This reminds me a recent incident where another kid in my child's 4th grade class (9-10 years old) started asking his classmates which side of the Israel-Palestine conflict they were on. 😬

The problem wasn't so much that they asked but that they offered only two sides, which is highly reductive view of this conflict.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

Look, you need to understand that nazis are not socialists. They're not anticapitalists. At times, they will adopt economic populist positions but they do it from a place of essentially BRIBING broke white people into joining the fascist movement and maintaining a cracker ethnostate. Furthermore, even this "populism" is bullshit because once the fascists have crushed liberalism and taken power, they end those programs and straight up fucking MURDER their own populist wing. EVERY time. EVERY time

Resting my phone upright on my keyboard and screen, and mere seconds later trying to move my laptop cursor onto the phone screen.

Security issues aside, would be neat if screens and their devices actually worked like this, like they do in stuff like Trek, you just grab objects and fling them in the geographic direction of other screens.

in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

I've seen that sort of thing done. But as far as I could gather from the descriptions of how to do it, it took so much time and effort to set up that you'd never gain back the time in saved mouse movements, particularly with the latency each time the cursor switched machines.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

reshared this

in reply to Linux User Space

nice one

LXQt is often overlooked but it is snappy and modern. And PCManFM is just a great file browser!

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

I have been building browsers for 30 years now. First Opera and now Vivaldi. My estimate is that more than 1 billion have used one of my browsers or both. Have you?

Feel free to share your story!

#Vivaldi #Opera #Browser #Android #iOS #Windows #Mac #Linux

  • I have used both (55%, 352 votes)
  • I have used Opera (20%, 128 votes)
  • I have used Vivaldi (9%, 63 votes)
  • I have used neither (14%, 94 votes)
637 voters. Poll end: in 4 days

in reply to peturbg


I am co-founder and CEO of Vivaldi. Sadly I am not contributing much on the coding side anymore. I did more of that at Opera, where I was also co-founder and CEO until 2010.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

A brief overview of the streams repository.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

I was reminded by @pluralistic today that as a word, Luddite has been used and abused badly historically. So we need to reclaim it -- I want an "I'm a Luddite" sticker for my laptop, Luddite tech workers t-shirts etc. Time to get creative.


clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing 😀 #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

Oh, this is good to know about — I've seen *so much* content that's just a five minute "here's what a screenreader is", and I've tried turning on the screenreader to test our apps but I've never seen a genuine screen reader user actually using one so I never really know if I'm doing it right. I'll definitely dig into this content

Kid, suddenly, while we're on a walk:
"I want to learn Lua now"

Any good and fun interactive Lua tutorials out there? He enjoyed Scratch because in a visual language everything is discoverable, so he could teach himself while staying within the tool and only going to YouTube when something was extra tricky.

He found some promising tutorials within Roblox itself, but they turned out to have internal consistency issues, like asking you to create a local variable without first having explained the concept and syntax.

As a guiding principle, the notion that 'bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit' has helped me filter out a lot of opinions.…

Tim Lavoie reshared this.

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

Look, USians, I don't want to step into your internal politics, but you see, 45 years ago, we spaniards had the occurrence to write in our constitution that the head of state (the king) has immunity from prosecution for anything they do while they are in the job, and now we have an ex-king with a Wikipedia page that includes a "alleged corruption" section 55 paragraphs long.

And it's only "alleged" because he can't be taken to court even with the piles of evidence that exist.

Just saying.

in reply to javi

I think we’re mostly right there with you—but the Supreme Court can and does just make up stuff, and we have zero control over these fucking clowns.
in reply to Denis Villeneuve Stan

It is today the smallest legislative chamber in the world: 12 people with life-time appointments that can create or destroy laws at will
in reply to Denis Villeneuve Stan

the thing I don't get is that IF the Supreme Court said "that the president couldn't be prosecuted for things including assassination" then why do they believe that they wouldn't themselves be assassinated the moment someone took power that didn't like their beliefs / agenda?
in reply to masukomi

>"It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves.” - Franz Kafka

@thedansimonson @javi @martinvermeer

"Hi! I recognize you! You're the guy who came in here two years ago to meet [colleague who doesn't work here anymore] and could speak a bit of Cantonese! You're living upstairs in Tower XX, right?"

Sales people have superpowers.

in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

"This location has really convenient access to the wet market. Do you go to the wet market?"
"No. I guess I should. I should eat more fresh vegetables."
"But you said you cook??"
"I cook stuff I get from the supermarket."
"Hah! Yeah, you Westerners are like that."

Real "tok tok, these Romans are crazy" moment. 😅

clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 reshared this.

Created a fan edit of #threebodyproblem Tencent adaptation which was called "Three Body" and 22 hours long.

Fan edit is 6 hours long, and called "THREE-BODY DISEMBIGGENED".

It is presented in 3 parts, each of about 2 hours in length.

Feedback is welcome!

in reply to Gordon Mcdowell

THANK YOU @Gordon Mcdowell for creating

I enjoyed the Netflix adaptation of The Three-Body Problem and I was looking forward to seeing Tencent's version of it, which book fans have said is closer to the books.

The production values, cinematography and acting are very good. The pacing is slow, but I don't mind that very much. I can take my time, and I appreciate a story that spends time on details and peripheral threads.

I just find it very emotionally exhausting to watch. After two hours of ominous music, cold sweat, frantic development of photographs, visualizations (or hallucinations?) of pool balls flying through space, etc, I'm not sure I can push myself through another 20 hours of this.

I have not watched your six-hour edit yet, but I am already grateful it exists.